Friday, June 10, 2011

Before Death Comes

life like roseDeath has been associated to sad surrounding where everybody is crying.The lost of someone we love pains our heart. But what could we do.?We don't own our lives. We are just strangers wandering this land. The land and the life that we have to make productive. Life that's full of happiness and not of sadness and sorrow. In reality the people who died fulfilled are those who have made their lives simple yet happily. They may not be the richest person on earth but they have enjoyed the glory of life.

in love
We will all die. That's for sure. But before it happens do you have something ridiculous that you want to do? Of course we have something in mind. These are the things we can't do because some circumstances won't allow us. May it be against our parents wishes or it may be a deviation to the norm in the society. Whatever it is we have to do it. So that on our deathbed someday we will not regret about the things we could have done while we are alive.

There are things that we want to do before we die. These are some suggestions from my friends.
  • Have a short spiking hair and color like those of a peacock
  • Wear a black wedding gown
  • Have a tattoo on face
  • Use other's tootbrush
  • Wear a guy's brief
  • Cry for a funeral I am not related
  • Seduce a Doctor
  • Make a coffee with salt and tea
  • Have sex with a stranger on a beach

engagement rings
You can also list down the things you wanna do before you die. And you'll realize you are a ridiculous person because you'll be smiling at yourself.;sa=summary;u=27094;sa=summary